I wrote about my life in here.

This is The Place Where My Mind Wondering Off

Tuesday, July 12, 2011



Just a sigh to let go in here.
Its been a really tiring week for me, at least for this week. Its the most tiring, I think...

The mid-term is next week, so yeah.., got night classes for almost every night just to cover the syllabus..
That's not include the meetings with the MeLEX Syura Council.
Conclusion: Seriously..., macam tak cukup tanah nak jalan.

Just before I wrote my entry for today, I just finished a meeting with all the clubs & societies..
It's kind of an experience actually., yeah, getting to know new people and friends.

It's just that maybe I still can't adapt with the university life, which is every thing is depending on us.
So.., yeah, I think I may need some motivation. InsyaAllah.., I will start focusing deeply in The Basic Themes of Quran as this subject really an eye-opener for me who is still lack and searching for the Truth and Guidance from The Creator. 

But..., since this is my choice.., I could actually learn that in this world, nothing is easy unless we think positively that certain circumstances or our obligations is actually an Ibadah because of Allah and we do it sincerely. InsyaAllah.., Allah never give trouble to us. 

My lecturer told me that we all should be thankful and say Alhamdulillah when we feel hard and bad to some circumstances. There's no one in this world who have no problem at all. So, the more we get challenges, the more we should seek the Guidance from Allah which is by remembering Allah, patience and sincerity....

I know that I'm not the one who should talk about this. It's just that the word and the truth my lecturer's been telling me like waking me up that Allah never give hardship for us. It means that Allah love us so much as He want us to remember and seek for the true Guidance from Him whenever we feel the challenges is too hard for us. Allah actually never give us task beyond our capability...

So..., I just want to remind for you and me that every single thing that we did, do it as Ibadah, sincerely because of Allah...


Patience and always seek for Allah & Quran whenever I feel so hard..