I wrote about my life in here.

This is The Place Where My Mind Wondering Off

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Love Is In The Air???


After going through a lot of times reading the newsfeed in my Facebook accounts, it gives me the idea to say something about it. OKAY.., NO offense to anyone but why I kept reading the very same status about RELATIONSHIP or LOVE or I'M DONE WITH YOU, LET'S BREAK UP or the status IN A RELATIONSHIP and vice versa or even LOVE QUOTES???

Please don't say that I'm a Miss Stalker because I simply can't help myself from not going through it as its already on my screen. Okay, maybe you would think that I am out of my mind or you could just simply say 'mind your own business' or 'hey, if you don't like it, just delete the post' but I can't coz it's too many and I'm not gonna waste my time deleting all those things. 

But I  tell you my 'favorite' part is the 'break-ups'stats. Okay, I'm also a girl who would feel bad if someone dumped me (but thank God, no so far :p) but the girls out there whom the stats are meant for you.... pleaseee , I beg you, could you please mind your language? Gosh..., their comments on the stats are soo horrible and make me think that 'no wonder that guy dumped you, judging by your words..uuurrgghh' 

That's one. I got another stats that is quite 'interesting' also. A guy confessing a love to the girl in a status and tagging all of his friends not just the 'girl'!!! Errr.., that puts up a question mark in my head, a big question mark, that one of boys' style to make his friends impressed with him because he is such a 'BRAVE' guy to ask a girl to couple with him??? It is soooo NOT impressive and gentleman at all.., for me lah...
You know, I think only a stupid girl who would only accept the so-called 'love confession'. And the hilarious thing that ever happened to this kind of stats are when the girls are not accepting the 'love' that guy eventually reply a comment with nasty words......AND there you go, the 'fight' between the 'lovebirds' striked...hahaa.., and how it end??? that guy just delete the "love confession' post! Done!

What a waste of time and kinda silly, wasn't it?

Okay...., about the changing of someone's status. That was the most confusing part for me. Why they so like to change their status whether you're 'SINGLE', IN A RELATIONSHIP', 'ENGAGED', or 'MARRIED'? I mean it was okay if you're really single or even married. Fine with me. But what's with the single status and suddenly in 2 weeks they changed it to being in a relationship and after 2 DAYS, they changed it back to single and after that back to engaged and after sometimes it changed back to in a relationship....what the crap??? Seriously, I don't get it. For me, people like this just wanna draw attention. Its like they wanna say 'hey, I'm single again, its kinda pathetic isn't it?' and the people will actually commenting stuff like 'he blew you off?' or the guys 'guess i'll have my chance this time' or 'c'mon who need a couple?' and other similar comments. Seriously, that is just so unacceptable for me....

The finale and the best of the best is the lurvequotes! ahah..!! It could be totally heart-wrenching..hahaha (iye ke) I questioned myself do you feel 'the love is in the air' mood when you read the stats? Then I answered back to me NO! There's this love quote. A very sweet one actually (sweet ke? boleh laa). So, this person actually give this quote and tagged me with others too...and he asked below the quotes, is it romantic enough to get yourselves couples???? Eeeewww.., OOOOkkeeyyy..that's it! And that quote was actually the finale and the reason why I started to crap in here. C'mon...I am soooo not desperate to get myself a 'partner'!! 

I don't care if people around me have boyfriends or girlfriends....I'm fine with it. It's just.., its very sickening and kinda annoying when you guys are being immature and childish (sometimes foolish, sorry to say) when something happened in your relationships. I'm not saying that I don't have problem myself, but at least try not to fool yourselves out there just because you got problems if your relationships are not working out. I'm saying that you shouldn't use the media to express in other words humiliate yourselves after something bad happened. For example, Facebook! Yeah, I do use Facebook to express something but let me be more try to use an appropriate language, please??? That would be nice, thank you  very much... 
Not everyone wanna read your status or comments that would make them say like this 'oh my gosh, where the hell are these people learn the language that the words doesn't even exist in the dictionary?!' 

Lastly...., I am so sorry for those who happened to read this crappy post, but I really can't stand it reading all those things. I have no intention to hurt anyone's feelings with this post.., really..You can think that I should stop being a busybody to everyone's stats in Facebook or straight away unfriend me.., go ahead, I won't mind. It's just...., its kinda sad for me to actually know that my other friends are too busy loving someone who is uncertain to be the 'one' as life partner instead of loving their parents by studying to get a degree or anything that would make their parents proud of them. 
 I'm still not done yet about this..
Till then.....

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