I wrote about my life in here.

This is The Place Where My Mind Wondering Off

Thursday, June 9, 2011

About Today


Today is quite a cool day and I'm in a good mood for the whole day. Hehehe..Alhamdulillah..
Well, I have only one class for the day which is law 012. The class is suppose to be in 2 hours but the lecturer make it to be only an hour lecture. We hooray for that! Hahahaa..but that's not the important part. I finally get the picture about the law concept which is very vital for me as I must understand the most basic part. Or else, I would be doomed! 

After all, I've figured out how to make notes! Thanks to Miss Salmah @ Miss Sal, my lecturer for law 012. This is very funny as making note should be simple but..... not the law notes. It needs to be understand, memorize and apply it. After this, start making the notes or I'll be lost....