I wrote about my life in here.

This is The Place Where My Mind Wondering Off

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Can't Wait to Get Started


I still didn't start my classes yet. So, yeah, I still have time to blog here. Since I'm so darn bored!
Okey.., first and foremost, tonight is my an election day for the MeLEX syura council. I'm one of the candidate so yeah.., for sure.., I'm quite scared. Not that I will lose, but the in prompt to session. It requires all of the candidates to talk spontaneously based on the topic given straight away. Thinking about this, I started to feel that my stomach was gonna hurl...

Scary...though. It's been my nightmare or even day-mare these few days actually. This is my very first time to be a candidate for an election. I have to speak in front of almost 600 students..!!!

Hope this will all end soon enough. And most importantly, I wouldn't startle or mumbling crappy things when I'm on stage later..insyaAllah...

Well, I'm trying to get the course outline if possible so that I could get a picture of how different the syllabus here compare to UiTM. 

Basically, my class would start this evening. So, I shall wait. Until then, I still had a scary thought about tonight. Huh...creepy...:(

I guess that just it for this post..

Wish me well for tonight....


  1. anissss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *rasa pelik jerit nama sendiri...haha

    weh...rindu kat ang...huhu...mst best kn dok uia...ntah budak uitm bukan DIHATIKU lagi pa..haha

    zana KPI0051E...=)

  2. aniss..yeah..again,screaming my own name..hhaaa
    rindu kat hang jugak..
    in fact rindu giler kat sumer PI005 1E kot..
    aku dah jumpa nura.., trus aku teringat kat hang kot...
    really2 miss u dear..
    p/s pandai hang cari blog aku ye. hehe..just a method 2 improve english actually. so, kalau merapu tahap ghaban tu just layan je la yek..
